Not A Cloud in The Sky


I drove home today after a leisurely morning. Day broke cold and sunny, the birds waking at dawn to serenade the sun as it thrust its way over the eastern horizon and filled the slumbering Adirondack forest with shining yellow and radiant gold sun beams, casting tall, wavering, thin blue tree shadows across the intermittently snow covered forest floor. The day warmed up quickly as I traveled south to another doctor appointment in Albany. I parked several blocks away in a free lot and walked across a college campus full of daffodils blooming and young college students full of promise and dreams. I enjoyed the sun, the heat, and (oddly enough) the noise and chaos of the city as it juxtaposed itself in my brain to the serenity and hushed secretive tones of the forest I had been in mere hours earlier. Later, at home in my own piece of tranquility in the Catskills, I found myself standing in the yard, spinning slowly surveying the sky in all directions. Not a single wispy white cloud could be seen anywhere. The sky was a crystal blue dome wondrous to behold, bright, stunning and divine in its open cerulean endlessness, infinite possibilities.

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